Will my Ex-Spouse Remain a Beneficiary under my Life Insurance Policy in Florida?
/Upon finalizing a divorce in Florida, the previous designation of your spouse as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy becomes void. Fla. Stat. § 732.703(2). The distribution of your life insurance proceeds will be administered as though your ex-spouse died immediately prior to your divorce. Id. In this scenario, life insurance proceeds will go to any other beneficiaries listed on the policy or to your estate.
Various exceptions to the foregoing rule are identified under Fla. Stat. § 732.703(4).
Further, there may be steps a beneficiary needs to take to inform the life insurance company of the divorce to ensure the proceeds are paid to the proper beneficiary.
If you are a beneficiary who is having difficulty obtaining life insurance proceeds of at least $100,000, contact Mark C. Santi immediately at msanti@santicerny.com.